
ATAWAS organizes workshops, seminars, and training sessions to enhance the skills and knowledge of water professionals, offering them opportunities for professional development and advancement.

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ATAWAS maintains an active offline and online presence through exhibition, website and social media platforms, providing stakeholders with a platform to showcase their work, share updates, and engage with a broader audience, thereby enhancing visibility and outreach.

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ATAWAS amplifies the voice and representation of water stakeholders, advocating for their interests, concerns, and priorities at the national and international levels, thereby ensuring their views are heard and considered in policy-making processes.

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ATAWAS is committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional- ism in all its endeavors. This includes conducting activities with compe- tence, adhering to ethical standards, and upholding a level of excellence in service delivery within the water and sanitation sector

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Integrity is at the forefront of ATA- WAS’s values. The organization is dedicated to demonstrating honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all its interactions. Upholding the trust of stakeholders is paramount, and integrity is foundational to foster- ing positive relationships.

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Stakeholder Focus

Central to ATAWAS’s mission is a focus on stakeholders. The organi- zation recognizes the importance of understanding and addressing the needs, concerns, and aspirations of its diverse stakeholders, which include water utilities, policy makers, profes- sionals, and the general public

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ATAWAS values the spirit of volun- teerism, acknowledging the impor- tance of individuals and organizations contributing their time and expertise for the betterment of the water sec- tor. This commitment to volunteerism fosters a collaborative and communi- ty-driven approach to achieving com- mon goals

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